Work and Play

Lately I have been thinking about work and play. I think both are important. This actually reminds me of a poem.
M. A. Stodart
Work while you work,
Play while you play;
This is the way
To be happy each day.
All that you do,
Do with your might;
Things done by halves
Are never done right.

I love this poem. It is short, but so true. When we are working, just work. Don't do half of the job.

 I have a job at a garden shop. I just water plants and do other little jobs, but I really enjoy it. I like how I can get sweaty and tired. It makes me feel like I was working hard.

I also think it is interesting how  M. A. Stodart (the poet) mentioned play. Play (in my opinion) is just as important as work. There needs to be balance though. Everyone can have different ways to play or have fun. For me, I find reading, crafts, and hiking fun.

I think if we have a good balance of work and play, we can be happy. What do you do for fun?


  1. I needed this reminder today! I need to play more - or start making work more like play. Things I like to do for fun are; go to the beach, walk in nature - usually at the beach, take pictures, and swim! πŸŒŠπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ…πŸ“ΈπŸŠπŸ»β€β™€οΈ

    1. Thanks for reading Chandra! I love the beach too! ;)


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