
Showing posts from May, 2018


I have done a lot of traveling these last six months. I have driven through the following states:  Utah Wyoming  Nebraska  Iowa  Illinois  Indiana  Ohio  Pennsylvania  New York  Massachusetts  Rhode Island   Connecticut  New Jersey  Maryland  West Virginia  Virginia  North Carolina  South Carolina  Georgia  Alabama  Florida  Mississippi  Louisiana  Texas  New Mexico  Arizona  That is about half of all the states! Some people never leave their state. Seeing most of my country is so cool. There are so many different landscapes; deserts, forests, beaches, and bayous. There are so many beautiful things that I noticed. Bluebonnet flowers growing everywhere in Texas. The tall trees and windy roads in Pennsylvania. The big sky and pronghorn antelope in Wyoming. The Saguaro cactus in Arizona. The mountains in Utah. Wow! I am so blessed to live in such a great country.  Save Save

Lord of the Flies- Book Review

Surprise! I read another book. I just finished Lord of the Flies  by William Golding. This book is awesome and kind of crazy. I reminds me of the TV series Lost , but 5x crazier and no adults. I am serious though. People crash on an island, they think there is a beast, they hunt pigs, there is a fat guy, there is a guy named Jack, and there is a person that parachutes to the island. I am trying not to spoil everything. If I do, I am truly sorry. A plane full of  English school boys crashes on a remote island. The boys, trying to survive, call Ralph as their chief. But, Ralph and another boy, Jack, have disagreements which lead to loss and destruction.  Here is what I liked (+) and disliked (-) about this book: + It is not too long; only 184 pages long. + It was exciting.  + The characters were very good. I hated Jack and felt bad for Piggy. + The pace was good. - It was sad. Overall rating ***** (5/5 stars) I personally think that everyone sh