
I have done a lot of traveling these last six months. I have driven through the following states:

  1.  Utah
  2. Wyoming
  3.  Nebraska
  4.  Iowa
  5.  Illinois
  6.  Indiana
  7.  Ohio
  8.  Pennsylvania
  9.  New York
  10.  Massachusetts
  11.  Rhode Island 
  12.  Connecticut
  13.  New Jersey
  14.  Maryland
  15.  West Virginia
  16.  Virginia
  17.  North Carolina
  18.  South Carolina
  19.  Georgia
  20.  Alabama
  21.  Florida
  22.  Mississippi
  23.  Louisiana
  24.  Texas
  25.  New Mexico
  26.  Arizona

 That is about half of all the states! Some people never leave their state. Seeing most of my country is so cool. There are so many different landscapes; deserts, forests, beaches, and bayous. There are so many beautiful things that I noticed. Bluebonnet flowers growing everywhere in Texas. The tall trees and windy roads in Pennsylvania.

The big sky and pronghorn antelope in Wyoming.

The Saguaro cactus in Arizona.

The mountains in Utah.

Wow! I am so blessed to live in such a great country. 



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