Lord of the Flies- Book Review

Surprise! I read another book. I just finished Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
This book is awesome and kind of crazy. I reminds me of the TV series Lost, but 5x crazier and no adults. I am serious though. People crash on an island, they think there is a beast, they hunt pigs, there is a fat guy, there is a guy named Jack, and there is a person that parachutes to the island. I am trying not to spoil everything. If I do, I am truly sorry.
A plane full of English school boys crashes on a remote island. The boys, trying to survive, call Ralph as their chief. But, Ralph and another boy, Jack, have disagreements which lead to loss and destruction.
Here is what I liked (+) and disliked (-) about this book:
+ It is not too long; only 184 pages long.
+ It was exciting.
+ The characters were very good. I hated Jack and felt bad for Piggy.
+ The pace was good.
- It was sad.
Overall rating ***** (5/5 stars)
I personally think that everyone should read this book. It illustrates that even if we have a form of government, if our leader is wicked, the society will eventually crumble.
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